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EASY World - Congress for Digital Business Processes, 29th September.

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Digitisation makes not only workflows and document management more efficient. The digital format of EASY WORLD 2020 allows for a top-class program without compromises and for even more visitors. No travel distances, no hotel costs – thanks to ease of participation in the online format, EASY is already registering enthusiastic first-time participants for the event.

A virtual exhibition center enables guests to interact remotely with exhibitors and their offerings via web browser. Experts from EASY or from the EASY partner network look after the individual booths via chat. Convenient downloads replace paper-based flyers and brochures.

The entire main program, including lectures and presentations, will take place in parallel on various live channels. All guests can switch freely between the individual channels and attend the presentations that interest them most.

The 100% digital EASY WORLD 2020, as always, offers the network of customers, partners and interested parties far more than just information about EASY SOFTWARE and partners. The trade show is a hotspot for knowledge exchange and networking among all participants.

This year’s entertainment program is particularly exceptional due to the format: The eSports team from Borussia Mönchengladbach, for which EASY has been a sponsor since summer 2019, offers guests the opportunity to compete against the professionals online in the current FIFA. Adrian Bucknall, Master of Wine, will ensure a more relaxed pleasure. EASY sends wine packages to guests who want to round off the evening with a digital tasting!

Creative rethinking results in a virtual event that is not only worthy of the previous years, but also offers exciting new possibilities in terms of flexibility and accessibility

Register for EASY World here:

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EASY Software (UK) Ltd

Posted by: EASY Software (UK) Ltd

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