
Be Kind to Your Mind with UKISUG

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It is OK to feel vulnerable and overwhelmed as we read news about the outbreak and adjust to our new working patterns.

However, with everything going on in the world at the minute, it is easy to neglect your own mental health. At UKISUG, we are doing what we can to ensure your membership is helpful to you professionally and personally.

For this reason, we have decided to run a series of mental health and stress related webinars to help you find calm within the chaos. With the popularity of our mindfulness sessions at UKISUG Connect this year, we have included a few of those to enjoy from the comfort of your home...

Manage your Mental Health and Wellbeing While Working from Home

Monday 4th May & Monday 18th May (9:30am – 10:30am)

Many of us take our Mental Health for granted, it's always there and we either tend to ignore the stress when it builds up or we only deal with it when it becomes a problem.

With a lot more of us than ever before having to adapt to homeworking with Zoom and Teams the new normal - how can you make sure that your Mental Health and more importantly, your mental strength is where it needs to be?

Click here to book Monday 4th May

Click here to book Monday 18th May

Stress and Resilience Workshop Part 1&2

Part 1: Monday 11th May & Part 2: Monday 1st June (9:30am – 10:30am)

This event will be an interactive workshop delivered live into your homes via zoom with exercises, tips and techniques for managing stress and building resilience.

Due to the current situation, stress and resilience training is more important than ever.

People are facing many new challenges as we come to terms with a new way of working and living. Social distancing, working from home, schooling for our children, panic buying, the threat of illness and financial worries create a huge amount of strain.

Stress boffin Alex Crow will deliver the workshop as a 2-part series, which are interactive. Full notes (in the form of a pdf) and audio files will be available from within the zoom meeting to download.

Click here to book Monday 11th May

Click here to book Monday 1st June

Mindfulness with SAP – Mini Series

Body Scan – Thursday 7th May (12:30pm-1pm)

Focussed Attention – Thursday 21st May (12:30pm-1pm)

Open Awareness – Thursday 4th June (12:30pm-1pm)

Self-Compassion – Thursday 18th June (12:30pm-1pm)

SAP invites you to join its mindfulness series to give yourself a break from the fast-paced nature of day-to-day life and heighten your self-awareness. Taking a mindful moment incites huge benefits – from greater satisfaction, focus, and peace-of-mind to stronger relationships and higher performance at work and beyond.

Join their Mindfulness Ambassadors in practice to deepen your self-awareness, practice attention training real-time, and discover ways to integrate self-awareness into your daily routine.

Body Scan – Body Scan meditation allows us to practice the three skills: stabilise the mind, notice physiological sensations (emotions as experienced in the body), and witness our emotions from a third person perspective, have the experience of “experiencing emotions” instead of “being (caught up in) emotions”.

Click here to book

Focused Attention - Focused attention meditation, also called concentrative meditation, is when your attention is focused on a single object. In this type of meditation, the goal is to keep the attention focused and nothing else. So if you were to stare at a candle, or repeat a mantra, you would just engage the mind in that practice.The more you practice, the better you will become at zoning in and the fewer distractions and lapses in concentration you will experience.

Click here to book

Open Awareness - Also called open monitoring or non-directive meditation, your attention is open and remains aware of everything that is happening.All experiences are perceived as they happen, with a goal of remaining non-judgmental toward oneself. This will help to strengthen your ability to really see things as they are and accept them for what they are.

Click here to book

Self-Compassion - is about finding a kinder and friendlier way to relate to yourself. The aim is to cultivate kindness, understanding and empathy toward yourself, to recognise that your negative emotions and thoughts are harming you and to cut yourself a break by changing the conversation in your head.

Click here to book

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