
ICCC and ASUG announce mutual intention to enter into a partnership

Published on

June 23rd, 2005

Cooperation between ASUG and ICCC

Dear ICCC Community,

ASUG and ICCC proudly announce their mutual intention to establish a partnership. During the International CCC Forum at Antibes June 22 and 23, 2005 the two parties will meet to formalize the approach, organisational and practical set up of this cooperation. ICCC representatives will attend the ASUG conference in Chicago August 8 and 9, 2005 to join the ASUG community and also to meet the ASUG board to further discuss about this partnership. ASUG proposes to delegate members from their CCC focus group to the ICCC. Those members will address the ASUG points of interest for the global ICCC affairs and return their ICCC feedback to the ASUG community.

For the ASUG the added value of this cooperation will be that they can better participate in global developments regarding the CCC area. For ICCC it will mean an improvement of her representativeness as the customer influence council towards SAP. And last but not least for SAP it brings a better and more focussed communication with their prime stakeholder: the customer.

Specific Americas related CCC issues will remain the responsibility of the ASUG, just like the country based issues are now dealt with between the country user organisations and SAP AG for the existing ICCC members.

As soon as we have more details about this cooperation we will let you know.

Frans de Roy van Zuijdewijn and Brian Dahill


Royal BAM Group nv Sony Electronics Inc

Netherlands USA

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