
SAP User Group Conference 2013 A Round Up

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Phillip Adams Chairmans speech generated significant interest, with CBR highlighting how SAP must make new products around mobile apps, cloud and data easy to implement and commercially attractive. Computing noted that perceived complexity makes it all the more important for the User Group to hear more about what SAP is doing around developing products, particularly in the areas of mobile and cloud. Following on from this, in one-to-one interviews with Computer Weekly and Business Cloud 9, Phillip outlined that despite the fact confusion around the Cloud has largely dissipated, people are still figuring out when it will be suitable for implementation. This means that working closely with SAP will become ever more important as the company continues to innovate and integrate acquired technologies. In fact, ComputerWorldUK highlighted how the User Group plans to work with other User Groups in order to develop a new charter, which will encourage the company to work with partners to better explain how customers can adopt SAPs new technology portfolio.

The keynote speech from SAPs outgoing Co-CEO, Jim Hagemann Snabe, was another highlight: ComputerWorldUK noted that Snabe attempted to allay industry concerns that the company will lose its renewed focus on product development. Information Age highlighted Snabes reassurance of attendees that innovation would continue at SAP under the sole charge of Bill McDermott. Jim went on to comment that in the future, HANA would be featuring prominently on SAPs roadmap, and that a lot of innovation will be focused around leveraging the cloud's capabilities. Also the news that SAP will be focused on simplification and solutions next year was welcomed.

Its clear that SAP considers Cloud and HANA as very central to its value proposition, and will be looking to work closely with User Groups to ensure that innovation is simple, straightforward and commercially viable for users. We are keen to see what 2014 brings and already looking forward to next years conference!

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