
Member survey 2013 the results

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  • There is an increase in the number of core SAP software users using BusinessObjects as their main analytics platform. 30 % said they are doing so, compared to 21% in 2012 and only 7% in 2011.
  • 75% of respondents now said they could see the combined value of using BusinessObjects for business analytics with their core SAP Business Suite implementation.
  • However, more than half (53%) of those users who were using both SAP Business Suite and SAP BusinessObjects did not think that support across the two product areas was well integrated.
  • With more and more organisations putting a greater focus on analytics, it is perhaps not surprising that more users are seeing the combined value of using core SAP software and SAP BusinessObjects. Over the last two years, we have seen a significant increase in SAP users adopting SAP BusinessObjects as their main business analytics platform. However, there is still a lot of work to be done in helping many users understand their options, such as the migration path from the SAP BW to SAP BusinessObjects solutions. Furthermore, it is evident that support for SAP BusinessObjects needs to be more joined up with the rest of SAPs other product offerings. As such we will be looking to work with SAP to help address this matter.

    The survey also revealed that being able to advance their understanding of current SAP products and services and being able to network with other SAP software users remained the biggest drivers for people to join the User Group. In light of SAPs recent acquisitions of Ariba and SuccessFactors, 46% of respondents wanted the User Group to assist them in understanding how these acquisitions could benefit their organisation. Furthermore, nearly half of respondents (49%) saw education regarding SAP HANA as being the greatest value provided by the User Group over the next 12 months.

    Certainly since the release of SAP Business Suite on HANA we have noticed a lot more interest from our members, as many see it potentially driving improvements in their usage of SAP software and overall business operations.

    Both HANA and BusinessObjects will be major topics of discussion at this years User Conference taking place next month so hopefully we will see you there!

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