
The SAP Listens Direct Customer Partner Feedback Program How happy are you

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Customer experience is so important to SAP that they have made it one of their key strategic goals.  SAP wants to know more than if customers are simply satisfied. They want to work on building long-term relationships based on superb customer experiences, in order to build loyalty. SAP aims to achieve this by listening to their customers and partners, and responding to their issues. The new SAP Listens survey program is an important channel for customers (and partners) to provide feedback on SAP’s solutions and services.

With the SAP Listens survey program, SAP hopes to gain improved insight into what customers and partners feel about SAP – for the overall relationship, as well as for key touch points. Through shorter surveys with more targeted questions, customers can quickly provide valuable input. And with enhanced follow-up, both with individuals and groups of contacts, SAP is committed to understanding the root-cause of issues of customer issues, allowing them to more effectively address challenges and make changes.

The SAP Listens survey program has a new and simplified survey questionnaire that takes less than five minutes to complete, a closed-loop feedback process, and strives to align SAP’s actions with customer priorities.

To help SAP improve insight into customers’ view of SAP, in 2012 they began measuring their Net Promoter Score (NPS), a metric that gives a more complete picture of customer loyalty as it answers the question of how likely customers would be to recommend SAP.  The NPS methodology is used by many companies, including Apple, Dell, American Express, and Costco. For more information about how SAP measures customer loyalty, please see the Customer Success section of the SAP Integrated Report 2012.

To accomplish their 2013 goal, SAP will focus on addressing customer concerns expressed during the 2012 surveys. To better understand the root-cause of why customers were unsatisfied, SAP conducted 10 in-person focus group sessions with customers in APJ, EMEA, and the Americas. Follow-up actions will be shared with customers as the plans are developed.

Take Part on the 2013 Survey

SAP’s 2013 Direct customer and partner surveys will take place in October/November. If you are receiving service and support directly from SAP, it is recommended that contact our Customer Experience Manager, Sandeep Khaira to request you to be added to the survey invitation list to maximize participation in the survey. SAP encourages multiple contacts from each company (i.e., Decision Makers, Influencers and End Users). 

Questions about the program can be sent to your Account Executive or George Thaw, COO, SAP UK Ltd.

More information about the SAP Listens program can also be found at



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