
Getting the most from RISE with SAP

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To much fanfare, RISE with SAP was launched in January 2021 as SAP’s new ‘business transformation as a service’ offering. It is fair to say that over the last three years, RISE has evolved as SAP has better understood customers’ requirements, while customers have gained a better understanding of what the service offers. In fact, according to recent UKISUG research, 65% of organisations say their understanding of RISE has improved over the last 12 months.

With the 2027 maintenance for ECC 6.0 fast approaching, many SAP user organisations will be evaluating how and when they move to S/4HANA. For some organisations, RISE will be a viable option to accelerate their journey to the cloud and S/4HANA. With that in mind, UKISUG has launched a new whitepaper to provide practical advice to organisations evaluating or about to embark on their RISE journey.

After speaking with customers and receiving input from SAP, it is abundantly clear that RISE isn’t a one-size-fits-all service offering. Every customer requirement is different, with customers cherry-picking the RISE services they need. However, that is not to say there aren’t some common considerations:

  • Does moving to RISE make contractual sense?
  • Where do project responsibilities lie between SAP, the partner and the customer?
  • Which hyperscaler best meets customers’ needs?
  • How is connectivity and networking being managed?
  • What financial incentives are available to customers?

It has become increasingly clear that SAP is going all in on the cloud and that RISE is the company’s preferred route to get existing ECC customers to migrate to S/4HANA. Indeed, early this year, it announced its RISE with SAP Migration and Modernisation Programme, which is intended to facilitate customers’ move to the cloud.

It is therefore important that customers looking to move to S/4HANA and/or the cloud do so with their eyes open. While on the one hand, RISE offers simplicity as it is a single contract with SAP, it also can add a layer of complexity if customers don’t fully understand what they are signing up to. Hopefully, our whitepaper can help provide some of the answers.

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