
Time to check-in on your mental health with UKISUG

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Staying in touch via in-person webinars

Initially launched during the pandemic, Thrive has run a series of regular virtual events for our members. Topics have ranged from how to deal with stepping outside of your comfort zone, to sharing tips on how to improve our mental health and wellbeing.

A recent webinar saw Thrive’s CEO and Founder, Simon Nichols, discuss the positive impact of crying and sleeping. This follows Simon’s TEDx talk from earlier this year, called ‘Big Boys do cry’ which was very positively received by the TEDx community.

One upcoming session will discuss neurodiversity in the workplace. Understanding and appreciating different neurodiverse conditions, but also talking about why neurodiversity in the workplace can be extremely positive.

Given that SAP and Google already actively recruit neurodiverse employees, these sessions will give you the inside track on the positive impact this can have on businesses.

Take time out and listen in

Simon also regularly joins Craig on our SUGTalks podcast, sharing his experiences and expertise for you to listen to at your leisure. Discussions on our mental health episodes have covered everything from wellbeing apps (and whether they are any good), how to deal with seasonal affective disorder, sensory overload in the workplace and much more.

The most recent episode covered why you should take a mental health MOT and further upcoming episode will discuss how organisations can better support new employees’.

Take time to Connect

It’s not just virtual events and podcasts, with in-person sessions taking place again at CONNECT. Last year, Simon and his team hosted discussions, mindfulness sessions and more. So make sure to check out our CONNECT agenda in the coming months!

If you haven’t already taken advantage of our mental health and wellbeing sessions you can access the full list of webinars on our events page:

Equally be sure to subscribe to our podcast so you don’t miss out on future mental health related episodes:

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