Partner News

Voice-Directed Picking Drives Efficiencies

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Currently running its 20 sites across Australia and New Zealand on a non-SAP ERP system, the manufacturer is embarking on a transformation project to roll out SAP EWM to streamline its supply chain operations across its estate.

Within four of its distribution centres, the customer operates voice-enabled outbound picking processes and, due to the improved operator efficiency this delivers, a key requirement for the project was to maintain this capability within the new EWM solution.

Due to the team’s unrivalled SAP EWM experience, coupled with its specialist capabilities in integration with third party systems, The Config Team has been brought on board to implement a fully integrated voice-enabled picking solution as part of the EWM template.

Designed to optimise SAP EWM for users, PreBilt for EWM is a mobile solution developed to provide an improved user interface for executing warehouse tasks. Utilising the PreBilt for EWM voice accelerator, our team will configure the desired voice flow conversation to enable direct integration between the selected voice devices and SAP EWM.

Facilitating direct SAP integration enables all transactions, confirmed by voice commands, to be updated in SAP in real-time, ensuring the time saving benefits of voice-enabled tasks are fully realised by the business.

Commenting on the new win, our Australia Practice Lead, Stephen Hackett, said: “This is a really exciting project for us that utilises some of our latest innovations in voice technology. The power in our solution is the ease of deployment, due to no development work being needed to implement it into the customer environment.

“This ability to quickly and easily configure the solution to work with the customer’s chosen voice devices was a key factor in PreBilt being selected. We are looking forward to implementing this solution and ensuring the customer continues to benefit from the improved efficiencies that voice-directed picking is proven to deliver.”

PreBilt for Voice enables direct integration between SAP and a range of voice devices, delivering a fully integrated voice-enabled mobile solution for executing warehouse tasks.

For further information on PreBilt , or any of our other innovative SAP solutions, please get in touch with our SAP supply chain experts.

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The Config Team

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