Partner News

Over £17,000 Donated to Great Causes Through MakeAChange

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Over £17,000 Donated to Great Causes Through MakeAChange

As 2023 begins, so does a fresh new year of giving with MakeAChange (MaC), our colleague directed giving scheme. Throughout 2022, we were delighted to be able to donate over £17,000 across a wide range of charities and causes close to our colleagues’ hearts.

Now in its third calendar year, MaC enables our colleagues to direct donations to projects, charities or causes that they are passionate about. Every colleague was allocated a £200 giving pot in 2022 that they could use to donate in full to one cause or split between two.

As always, the scheme was taken up with great enthusiasm, and we were delighted to approve a record 98 donation requests from 87 colleagues across 83 different causes. These include charities supporting mental and physical health, animals, wildlife, and the environment, as well as tackling issues such as poverty and homelessness. Colleague giving pots have also been allocated to international aid organisations, local foodbanks, schools, social clubs, hospices, and hospitals.

Speaking about the scheme’s impact, MakeAChange committee member, Beth Clare, said: “We are committed to making a positive impact in the community and have always endeavoured to give back where we can.

“We are therefore delighted at the impact MaC has had on so many great causes in 2022, from small local charities such as Carla Lane Animals in Need in Liverpool, all the way up to large organisations like the Disasters Emergency Committee and The British Red Cross. This has been a record year for MaC donations, and we can’t wait to see what other causes we can support in 2023.”

For more information on some of our CSR initiatives, visit our dedicated CSR page.

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The Config Team

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