Partner News

How to Prepare for United Arab Emirates Pharma Serialization Requirements

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Many countries created legislation mandating safety regulations for life sciences and pharmaceutical companies to keep patients safe. Manufacturers began to adopt solutions to meet these requirements and stay in compliance as the rules are updated over time. Each country has similar components to their regulations, yet there are also unique characteristics.

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) is implementing a track and trace system to secure products and protect consumer safety. The system, Tatmeen, is a fully automated, paperless drug and medical supplies management system for the UAE Healthcare sector. In January 2023, the regulation is due to come into effect for pharmaceutical companies with business in the UAE market.

MoHAP Regulations and Requirements

MoHAP’s initial goals with the new regulations in the UAE are to automate processes, utilize GS1 compliant serialization while improving visibility, safety and reliability of pharmaceutical supply chain. All products imported or domestically manufactured are required to have a 2D Matrix Barcode for tracking, and companies must be registered with a Global Location Number (GLN). These mandatory regulations ensure Tatmeen has the information it needs to monitor production and increase visibility and safety within the UAE healthcare sector. Companies should begin evaluating the steps they should take to become compliant with the MoHAP requirements.

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