
Introducing our new Board Members!

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SUG announces board member changes

We’re excited to announce the appointment of Emma Chambers, Ian Mallinson and John Wager to the UKISUG board. In addition, we are pleased to welcome back Costa Petrosellini who has re-joined the board. The new board members replace outgoing directors Fiona Warburg, Mike Reaney, Tim Guest and Brian Froom.

Emma Chambers is currently Head of NIBS Business Process at NATS and is responsible for overseeing the organisation’s strategic business transformation programme, including its transition to SAP/S/4HANA. As part of UKISUG, Emma is co-chair of our S/4HANA Special Interest Group and helped set up and lead our Women in SAP initiative.

Emma comments: “I am a keen advocate of the User Group; I believe it is one of the most valuable resources we have to support the SAP user community.It is a well-run and an incredibly dynamic group that I really enjoy being a part of. I believe that as a substantial user group we have a significant opportunity to improve diversity and inclusion in the user community, and to do more to increase sustainability of our activities.”

Ian Mallinson is currently IT Director at Warburtons, where he leads the company’s IT team with full responsibility for all information systems implementation and ongoing technology and business process support. Ian has been an active UKISUG member since 2015 and as a board member he aims further share his insight and learnings as a senior-level SAP user.

Ian comments: “I see the mission of the User Group as helping SAP users to make and get the best from their SAP investments. It’s a force for good in the IT world and that is the type of organisation that I want to be part of. I believe passionately in knowledge sharing and that sharing with others is a win-win situation. The User Group already has a great reputation and I think there are many further opportunities to connect users to generate business value.”

John Wager is currently Head of Technology and People at Saddleback where he is responsible for the company’s SAP Business One deployment.John has 12 years’ experience working with SAP Business One and for the last two years he has been chairman of our B1 SIG.

John comments: “There are hundreds of B1 customers in the UK, so I am really excited to be able directly influence how the User Group will engage with and represent B1 users in the future. As a user of B1, I have recognised first-hand the value of being able to network and learn from other users.”

Our new board members bring with them many years’ experience as customers of SAP and a detailed knowledge of both the challenges and opportunities that our members face.We look forward to the fresh input and new ideas as UKISUG continues to be the driving force behind a vibrant SAP community!

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