
Higher Education & Research - Coffee Session

Tuesday 28th February 2023 - 9:30am - 10:10am

Dial In Webinar

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This online coffee session will give a general review of the Higher Education & Research SIG and discuss how we can support each other. Our SIG Chair will also be sharing a Warwick University roadmap for discussion and comment, and you also welcome to share any roadmap for SAP in your institution to share with us in the session.

The group exists as a forum for members to share their common interests and foster collaboration across the sector. Members have a broad interest across the whole SAP landscape as well as more specialist HE&R products. We see SIGS as an opportunity to network and collaborate and share experiences and look for opportunities to work together. We have common interests and are able to work with our partners and SAP on sector-wide initiatives. Recently the HERSIG has organised showcases for SuccessFactors and S/4 with a focus on their use in Higher Education.

Your Higher Education & Research SIG Chair:

Leighton Joskey has been an IT professional for over 20 years, in a career that has taken in database and application design, development, maintenance and support, customer relationship management, process improvement, IT strategy, team management and more. Leighton has moved on a long way from his COBOL, CICS and DB/2 origins - he is now the Head of SAP and Finance systems at the University of Warwick, working with his team to deliver a robust SAP service and extending and improving the many benefits SAP delivers to the University.

Event Speakers

Leighton Joskey

Higher Education & Research SIG Chair


Leighton has been an IT professional for over 20 years, in a career that has taken in database and application design, development, maintenance and support, customer relationship management, process improvement, IT strategy, team management and more.

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